Technical Details
The touring problem aims to find an ``interesting’’ (round) trip of a given length. Here, what is considered interesting depends on the type of the desired route, e.g., an user may be looking for a off-road cycling trip or fast running route. In the following, we define the touring problme formally. Let \(G\) be an undirected graph consisting of a vertex set \(V\) and a set \(E\) of edges. Furthermore, we are given a cost function \(w{:}\ E \rightarrow \mathbb{N}\) and a profit function \(\pi{:}\ E \rightarrow \mathbb{N}\) assigning different cost (distance or time) and profit to each edge of \(G\). We can generalize the terms cost and profit to paths. Given a path \(P = (e_1, \cdots, e_{\ell})\) of \(G\), we denote the cost of \(P\) as \(w(P)\), which is defined as \(\sum_{i=1}^{\ell} w(e_i)\); and for the profit of \(P\) we write \(\pi(P) = f(P) + \sum_{ e \in \bigcup{e_i \mid 1 \leq i \leq \ell } } \pi(e)\). Here \(f(P)\) can be any additional quality function based on the global structure of the path. In this project, we consider the area covered by \(P\) as our additional quality measure \(f(P)\). The idea is that an user can prefer a route resembling a circle over a long thin strip or a route with lots of intersections. The higher the covered area the closer a route resembles this circle.
Given a cost budget \(B\) and a starting vertex \(s\), the objective of touring problem is to find a cycle \(P=(e_1, \cdots, e_{\ell})\) starting and ending at the vertex \(s\) that maximizes the profit \(\pi(P)\) within the cost budget \(c(P) \leq B\). Note that in the touring problem it is allowed to visit an edge multiple times, but its profit is only counted once.
For more details we would like to refer you to Tour4Me: A Framework for Customized Tour Planning Algorithms.